Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Of Thee I Zing"

I recently said to my husband that I would be happy when the trend of substituting Zs for Ss in words was over. I'm sure you know what I am talking about. One good example is the meal plan website we subscribe to "Emealz" what would have been wrong with just using an S?

Well I came across this book that was just released. It is called "Of Thee I Zing" by Laura Ingraham. The book is a look at popular culture and the decline that American have taken. In the way they behave and the way they dress.

Everyday I look around me and I am saddened by what I see. Young children riding their bikes and talking on their cell phones at the same time. Or they are supposedly outside playing, but what they are actually doing is playing a game on a D.S. What happened to imagination? I could play outside for hours and hours as a child and nothing electronic was ever involved.

Another thing is common courtesy and good ettiquette. Both of those things seem to have become totally lost in popular culture. Why can people not seem to be nice or have any patience? If it takes more than three minutes to check out at the grocery they are getting huffy and complaining.

This lack of manners is what inspired my blog title. I really try to have good manners and proper ettiquette. Also I try to be nice to people. I hear so many people say that they just say what they think, but I really believe that is just an excuse to be mean to people. I try not to say things to hurt other people's feelings, and if I do not like someone I just ignore them. Not go out of my way to make their life miserable. Now don't get me wrong I am honest with my friends. Just for example if I was helping a friend pick out a dress for an event. I would not tell her that something looked good even if it didn't just because I am scared of hurting here feelings. However, I would try and say it in a nice way and suggest something that might look better.

Of course I am not always succesful in not hurting feelings and having good manners, but I am really trying to be a good example. Join me if you will in my quest to put a little couth back into our society. I intend to read more books on popular culture and ettiquette and will share my feelings about them.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny, because I think soemtimes old english manners can actually be a method for being really rude! It was a way of differentiating class - but in the way you say it, I think aiming to be nice and couteous is really important!
