I decided today that I have left this blog inactive for far too long. I am going to try my best to keep it up. However, things are changing in my life and I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have. To get things rolling again let me tell you what all has been going on.
My husband and I moved to Kansas and had a difficult time finding a place to live, but ended up through a small piece of luck finding a really nice house just when we had pretty much given up hope. Then once we got settled I resumed my volunteering at the USO (United Service Organization) only to find that I really did not like some of the things that were going on in this USO. Round about this time I found out that after over two years of trying to concieve I was pregnant. We were super excited. Then on December 23rd I began having some spotting, and by Christmas day it was much heavier with lots of cramping. I had lost the baby. We were devastated. We were also in Seattle visiting Tim's parents when it all happened. When we got back home we decided to put the baby making on hold for a little while. To help in my healing process I flew home to TN for about 10 days and spent a lot of time with my family and friends. Then I came home and started looking for a job. In just a week and a half I had an offer and I accepted it.
I will be working at a local hospital in their in patient pharmacy. I have worked in pharmacy in some for or another for 11 years now. I will miss being a housewife. Really I loved it, but at this point in time I think it is better that I work.
With all this being said I'm not sure what I will exactly be writing in this blog. It may be a bit about work and balancing that with my home responsibilities. I do hope to show a bit more of the crafty things as I do such as sewing and painting. Also I want to talk about my travels, because I love to travel and do it as often as I can. It all just remains to be seen...